The baby I was pregnant with in my second pregnancy ended up NOT being the baby I actually had. I was pregnant with a BOY, and I ended up giving birth to a GIRL. So Kip kinda showed up at the hospital. I always say I birthed two babies during that time, as I passed a kidney stone when I was 5 months pregnant with her, simultaneously having the flu full out as well. So, my story with Kristen is a little more jaded than with Lacey, almost 4 years to the day earlier. Kip was born right on her birthday. She was due the 29th and by golly, she wasn't going to be early, or late. Boom, there she was.
Roxann Grinnell Patterson was my nurse for her birth. You'd think having a long time childhood friend at your side when you aren't at your 100% best and showing everything your mama gave you would be a little overwhelming to some. Not me. Not to mention the ENTIRE nursing student body was there that day and all came and stood at the end of the bed where let's just say, ahem, the view wasn't all that delightful. After having the whole "Natural" birth for Lacey, I decided to throw caution to the wind and get as medicated as possible for the 2nd delivery. Every pain I'd ask Roxann "Can I have an epidural yet?" and every time she'd answer "In a minute". This went on for what I think is hours, but in reality, I walked in the hospital at 5 am, and delivered that baby at 11:50 am. I told those people I had a noon hair appointment and couldn't dilly dally. Plus another thing I remember is my overwhelming need for a Pepsi. Not a DP, which was my addiction, but a Pepsi. I longed, lusted and reflected on Pepsi the entire time. When my doctor FINALLY got there, and I was yelling "Get my epidural", she brightly looked at me and informed me "You can PUSH!" to which I replied "I want an epidural first" and Roxann patted me and said "Nope, you're having this baby".... augh. Pushed that watermelon out (ANOTHER baby without any meds) to my "Let's see my boy".....Not One Word was Said. Roxann finally choked out "Laura??? It's a girl" I'm like "REALLY? What happened to his yanger?" and Austin was here. Except now, she didn't look like an Austin or a Tanner, or a Craig. NOne of those lovely boy names fit our girl. So Lacey, thankfully always the adult took matters into her own hands. "Let's call her flower head." We considered it for a few minutes, and threw that one out. "Ok, then, mom, let's call her Kristen Janae." This from the newly birthday'd 4 year old. And Kristen Janae she was.
To say she was a happy baby would be a stretch. She was happy in spurts, usually when her daddy was playing Bon Jovi at top volume on the stereo and bouncing her like crazy to keep her moving. She could take a 6 oz bottle and throw up 8. That was always a mystery to me. And I just gave up after about the 2nd week, of ever thinking I'd wear a clean shirt. And she LOVED her pacifier. LOVED IT. Any videos you see of Kristen in her first 4 months, she's either 1) in the swing 2) being bounced by her sister or 3) sitting with that giant pacifier in her mouth. Very little variation.
She never needed to speak, since she had Lacey as her big sister. Lacey just handled everything for her. She walked very early, and I think it was to be able to find the pacifiers we didn't have on hand. She seriously had one in her mouth and two backups in each hand. At all times. At 3 years old, we envisioned her going to kindergarten with her pacifiers, and in keeping with good parenting, we did want every good parent worth their salt does.... We bribed her. She wanted a scooter so bad it was ridiculous. So, only "Big girls" got scooters, and big girls didn't take pacifiers. Boy, that was a sad day. More for me than her. She threw those pacifiers out and off she went. About a year later, I found her in her room, kind of hiding in her closet, and she had found a contraband pacifier in her toybox, and she was tentatively sucking it, and checking over her shoulder. Oh my gosh, how much more could you love that little girl??
My friend, Leann, babysat Kristen those early days, and her son Kris, is just a month older. They were learning to talk and Kris called her "Kippen". So that is how the name "Kip" was derived. She is Kippy, Kipster, Kip, Kippinator, Kipsy, Kipper, and Kipster Queen you know what I mean. In Pom there was another Kristen, so she went to Kip in middle school and never looked back.
Kippy is the most loyal, honest, above board friend you will ever meet. I have watched her walk through some big stuff in her young life, and work it out. She is so uber talented, it is awe-inspiring. SHe can draw, take pictures, build furniture, create buildings, and beat the socks off of me at cards, without even blinking an eye.
She also cannot be spoken to before she has had a bowl of cereal in the morning or someone is losing an eye. If you know Kip, you know what I am talking about. When we shop, if she is hungry, you better find food, if she is thirsty, you better find drink. You'd think she is high maintenance to hear me talk about her, but she's really not. SHe's just "Kip". She has an uncanny ability to push any negative things right out of the way. In "Kip Land" it is skittles and sunshine, and "Kip Land" is where I want to be. She is so in love with her niece. She was one of the very first people to the hospital after we found about Laynie, and after hearing all the drama of the day, declared "Well, Lacey, God handpicked you for Laynie, He couldn't have picked a better mom".
She loves Falls Creek, Choctaw Baptist Church, Lifechurch, Journey Church and cherry limeades with extra cherries. She loves angel food cake, microwave potates, and my meat loaf. She is tan year round, and is the one that the guys watch walk by. And is totally oblivious to it. I like to walk behind her in a mall, because there isn't ONE male that doesn't do a double take. I like to watch the whiplash ensue. :)
I have enjoyed every second of the 22 years that I have had with my son that turned into a beautiful girl. She is everything I ever dreamed of, and so much more. My little Kipster. All growed up.
In front of the London bridge showing her 22 year old signs |