Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Overwhelming Love -- July 7, 2010

To say I "feel the love" is an understatement of huge proportion. The outpouring of well wishes and good thoughts are overwhelming. Though in a way, not at all. I want to say this right, and for the first time on a blog, I am thinking before I am typing. Usually, God just flows through my fingers when I type. I have an idea of what I want to say and I just let it flow. For some reason, today I am pausing.

And I think it's because it's time to pause, and reflect. So many comments from so many people we've talked to, met, emailed, blood-let, laughed, cried and shared with. So many of you we know personally. But so many more of you that we don't. And that's the overwhelming part. When you meet Laynie, you've been changed. She turns you inside out with her purity. Her goodness, her light. One guy walked up to Lacey after church, back in the good old days, when Laynie was well enough to go, and said "I watched your baby, and I saw God's face... God bless you all". and another time, a total stranger walked up to them and handed them a check and said "We are so touched by your baby, and we wanted to give our tithe to you today to help you with any struggles". Little knowing, they had a doctor bill looming over them that they had no way to pay, and that helped them soooo much. I could go on and on about the miraculous journey she has given us. But then there are those of you, that have never met her, and even without the 'personal' touch... you've been forever changed and touched... and that's where it gets so good.

Hallie (my 11 year old for those of you that don't know me) went to work with me one day, and she said "Do you talk to EVERYONE about Laynie???" to my response "Yes, of course I do". And today after the post from Stephanie Holmberg, it got me to thinking about just how many people I did tell about Laynie. Usually armed with pictures, too. Talk about a bridezilla. I'm a LOLLYZILLA. There was NO ONE I didn't talk to. Probably, alot of the people on this page are people that I practically forced on here... "Have you heard her story?? I can give you the 5 minute version but only if you get a Facebook and read her journey. That's the only way you are getting off with the 5 minute version." I'm smiling as I'm typing this, because there are so many of you that experienced that...

And with that said, here comes my point (because you all know I usually get around to one, after I make you laugh and cry at the same time) without Laynie, I would have never been bold. I would have never stepped out on faith and talked daily, usually hourly, about my walk with my Savior. I'm getting post after post about letting God wrap His loving arms around us, and people, we are soo there. We've been there since Oct. 3. And with that strength and wisdom that I have garnered from this walk, I know now that I have been there my whole life, just never understanding the full meaning of my walk with God. Only through a miracle has this occured.

If God had taken her when all the doctors predicted, I would have grown my faith fivefold. I grew it in total faith and belief that Laynie would be born healthy. Then I grew it some more, in faith, that she would go home, and thrive. Then I grew it some more, when we turned her feet, and got her glasses, and started feeding her real bottles. Then I grew it even more, when she started to smile, and show signs of a personality, and that's when the real witnessing began. "Let me tell you about my granddaughter". I like to travel alone, when I sell, because I tell her story many times a day. At one point when I was training my guy in Texas, I got in the car and said "I am sorry you have to hear that ten times a day." to which he replied "It never gets old".

People, God doesn't get old. How people face a loss without God is beyond my comprehension. We aren't even agonizing over her passing, because she will be free. Her earthly body has so many issues, but her heavenly body will be perfect. And that is what gets us through the day. That and our dancing ability. You should see us dance. We are almost amazing. Laynie thinks so, so that is enough for me. We two step, boogie, electric slide, macarena and cha cha slide. She loves it, and so do I. Ellen ain't got nothing on me and my baby, and our moves.

Please look at your walk with God. Make sure you know Him, and seek Him in everything. That was Laynie's purpose here, to make sure you know your walk with God. I know my walk, and usually everyone in my path knows my walk. Because Laynie made me Bold. Laynie made me Lollyzilla, on fire for her baby, and for the God that made it all possible.

God is good, all the time.

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