It's hard to believe that 4 weeks have come and gone. 4 precious, amazing, exhausting, thrilling, overwhelming, exciting, scary God-given weeks.
Smidge, as she was inside her mommy, still remains clueless to the drama all around her. You can see from her pictures, though they make her look MUCH larger than she really is, she is doing terrific. She eats like a pig, or a bird, pretty much depending on her mood, and who's feeding her, burps like a truck driver (albeit a small one), and has wonderful wakeful times. When she is fed and clean diapered, and is awake, that is the sweetest thing ever. Her right eye is smaller, and tends to roll alittle, but her left eye stays solidly on who she is looking at, and just looks you over good. Newborns tend to cross their eyes anyway, and Layniebug is no exception! I just sat and stared at her sleeping yesterday, and marveled at the fact that she is, indeed, one month old.
Where do we go from here? What's our course of action? Where are answers to our questions? the list is endless..... Holland is a land of not too many answers, to way too many questions. Whatever we are doing, seems to be working. God has her plan, and she is living proof that sometimes doctors don't know everything. Yep, she isn't your average baby, but those of you that know us well.......average isn't all that! We are taking it one day at a time, and starting to actually think in weeks, instead of days. We bought nipples for bottles yesterday. Things all mommy's take for granted, more diapers, more wipes, more bottles, things like that..... these are gifts for us. Things we didn't expect to get to do.
Miss Laynie went to her first lifegroup last night, and was passed around and ooh'd and ah'd over, and well, let's just say, not alot of bible study got accomplished last night.. Had alot of "Baby" study though. Brad was great, so excited to go show her off, actually called Lacey and told her what she would wear. Buckled her in the carseat and carried it! (Don't tell his doctor!) I love these kids. They are in 100 percent.
Miss Laynie goes to the pediatric orthopedic, so we can look at those spiffy little backward feet and see what can be done on the 27th.... That's our next stop. We'll see what he says and we'll go from there. I pray that the fix is simple, and that our little miss will be no worse for the wear.
Well, that's all for month old.... God is Good.
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