It went well. Laynie tolerated us just fine. Well, me, anyway. The only time Greg held her, she cried. So there you go. Lolly's girl.
Let me tell you about our smidge. We bought her a digital scale, and now we can weigh her weekly (only) and see our tiny progress. She weighed 4 lbs 2 oz, so she is back to fighting weight. :) Or at least, entrance weight (they say, I still don't believe it). When we arrived, she was close to eating time, so she was fussy and in no mood to be coddled or played with. JUST STINKIN FEED ME. Hello. So, on to the 30 minute task of eating. About 27 cc's. She eats Just enough to get her tummy happy, then off she sinks into sleepy land. We have to change her diaper half way through, just to wake her up, and that's always pretty fun. For a little smidge, the kid has a pair of lungs, I can tell ya. She took the rest of her bottle, and proceeded to her boppy for a good full hour of relaxing, vibrating snoozy. I wish they had one of those boppy seats in my size. What a GREAT invention. Wow. Then I couldn't stand it another second and snuggled her up to my chest and chin so I could just take her in. What a precious gift she is. About the time mom and dad got home, she decided to tune up the pipes, so of course, when they walked in, she was crying. Nice. thanks, smidge, make mom and dad think you were SOOO abused in their absence.
I have to tell you, watching Brad give her a bottle....quite painful. BUT that little stinker LOVES to take her bottle with her daddy. He can cram 30 cc's plus down that belly in about 15 minutes. It is simply amazing. Now Lacey & my approach is a tiny more subtle, but not old dad. He just gets to business and that little lady snaps to. I JUST LOVE IT. She truly completely loves her daddy. I love that Lacey & Brad are keeping their sense of humor. They are approaching this adventure with an open, loving heart and mind.. and it's an awesome sight for me to watch. Sure they are worn out, sure they are seeing double, but I guess I don't know too many newborn parents that aren't. !!
Lacey called me this morning and told me that Brad had given her her bottle and then Lacey gave her a bath, and she was wide awake for about 45 minutes, just checking them out. She shot a picture on her phone and sent it to me, and I have NO IDEA how to download it out of the phone. That picture was the BEST. It says "HI LOLLY" and it's just her, looking straight at the camera, both eyes fully open, just the sweetest look on her face. What a miracle. What a gift.
I feel your prayers, I feel all of your love and thoughts. I know that our journey has made a difference in the way I look at things, and the day to day difference it has made in my life. I know our story has touched hundreds of lives and hearts, and for that I am truly thankful. God has a plan with our Laynie, and he is working it, and lives are changed and better because of our girl. Mine, especially.
God is Good. All the time.
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