I got the call from a scared mommy about 11:20 last night. "She's choking on her bottle and she can't breathe". So off I scoot to Edmond.... it's just NO BIG deal making that 45 minute drive anymore. And I can do it in about 30 now, when I'm really motivated. And last night, I was REALLY motivated. By the time I had gotten there, she had righted herself and hacked up her "Loogie". I proceeded to shoo Mommy to bed, and enjoyed an all-nighter with my girl. Am I cross-eyed right now?? Oh yea. Did I go to the Y and walk on the treadmill last night until I couldn't hardly walk to the car. Oh yeah. Did I burn myself in the tanning bed after the excitement of walking my tail off at the Y? Oh yeah. So, how do I feel right now??? Well let's say I don't feel as fresh as a spring daisy... that's for sure. But I did manage to make 2 sales today (GOD IS GOOD) and that seems to always make life a little brighter. Even stuttering and with 2 different socks on... got er done.
Ok, let's talk about Smidge. I don't know what happened with her mom, but the little girl downright talks while she is trying to eat. She grunts and she whistles and she squeaks (My other name for her "Squeaky McSqueaker") while she eats, and all I can figure out is she aspirated some of her milk. She wasn't really happy about it, and yelled at her mom until I got there. When she heard my voice and felt me holding her, she proceeded to tell me all about it, WIDE EYED and squeaking for about 20 minutes. I LOVED IT. Then I gently gave her the rest of her bottle and off to sleepy land we went. Her in her boppy seat on the couch, kinda propped up, and me with my legs under her sprawled out on the couch. (Pretty sight). We slept that way until about 3 am. Then she took her bottle, burped like a big girl, sang alittle to me, and off we went BACK to sleep, this time in our bed, instead of that fun couch, (hee hee, OUR bed), with her sprawled on her wedge, bundled to the hilt with blankets, and me slumbering beside her (far enough to not smash, but close enough to pat). So, she and I, we're a team. Love that baby.
She's going to her pediatrician in the morning and discuss the possibility of adding some formula to see if we can get her to gain some weight. She hovers around 3 lbs 9 oz, and just isn't going anywhere fast. I never really expected her to, but it still feels like we're not doing enough, not to even grow a few ounces. So the best thing to say to us is NOT, "Is she getting big"?? Uhm, no. My hope is she weighs 6 lbs by the time she is 6 months old. That would be a victory.
Did I tell you guys about American Girl "Itty Bitty" baby clothes? They fit our girl. And one of Lacey's cousins brought a box of the sweetest clothes over and our girl was sooo patient letting us change her, and change her and change her. She was such a great trooper. I think she liked having some clothes that fit. What an angel.
You can see a picture of her on my pics in her album. Cute as a button.
Thanks for the calls on reminding us about Shriner's Hospital. Hopefully, her feet won't be that big of a deal, and we can fix them with splints or casts. If you are still praying for our angel, let's focus on 3 things... her continued good eating skills, the fluid on her brain to be gone, and ease of the process of splints and casts. Lacey & Brad's blood work was perfect. No chromosomal abnormalities in either one. Now we wait for a vein to get big enough on Laynie to see what is up with her. Meanwhile, we keep on getting great days and sweet smiles. God is SOO good.. all the time.
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